The Swoon (Worthy) Process

If you are one of those people who has always wanted to get your possessions (and your life!) organized, but keep putting it off, it’s probably because you don’t have enough time, you don’t know how to get organized, or that you are just plain overwhelmed at the thought of it.

That’s where our Swoon Team comes in! We provide you with the expertise you need to get your project completed, from start to finish. Our process will transform your spaces by using personalized organizational solutions specifically crafted with you in mind (never a one-size-fits-all approach, ever!). We address both function and aesthetic to deliver results that best fit your needs and leave you feeling empowered and ready to live a more calm and simple life.

How exactly do we do this? We go through a three-step process on every project to make sure that we are creating systems that will last long after we’ve left.

Three Swoon-Worthy Steps

edit & categorize

1. Edit and Categorize

The first step in our process is to edit & categorize all the items in your space. And we mean all of them. In order to truly transform your space, we have to go through each and every item to figure out what you love, what you need, and what might be able to be donated or discarded. We guide and support you through this whole process by asking the right questions and learning about you and your space. This is where we learn vital information to prepare us for the next step…

2. Strategize Your Space

Once we understand what you plan to keep, what your lifestyle is like, what your space is like, and what your goals are, we strategically design our systems to fit your unique needs! We take a look at the categories you have, the quantities you have, and what space you have. From there, we figure out what items make the most sense in what spaces. We consider what spaces would benefit from products, what kind of products they might call for, and from there, we move onto our third and final step...

3. Implement Systems and Products

Systems and product time! We use our expertise and experience to plan, source, and implement specific products that will work best in your unique space (only if you would truly benefit from them). We measure your spaces, plan what containers or organizers will work, shop for you, and then put it all together! If you’ve ever been to The Container Store, you know it is a magical but sometimes overwhelming place. In our full-service process, we handle all of this, with no effort on your part! After planning and purchasing, we get down to the Instagram-worthy part of our job: implementation. We place all of the products and make sure every item is put away, folded, and labeled, completing your swoon-worthy project.

While we go through this three-step process on every project, we understand that every person, space, and situation is different, which is why we are constantly trying to ask questions and learn how we can create the perfect solutions for you. We truly want to make sure your space and systems are as unique as our clients are! We make sure the final result of every project is a beautiful, functional, and cohesive space that is intuitive to use for you and your family!

We understand that any of these steps alone can be overwhelming or confusing and that’s why we’re here! We want to make this process as seamless, stress-free, and fun for our clients as possible! If you have been putting off getting a space (or your entire home) organized, reading this is a sign that it’s time to take action! If you’re not sure if you need to hire a professional, head over here to find out.

If any of these steps seem confusing to you, reach out! We’d love to give you some reassurance and clarity.


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